Broadcaster: MTV
Transmitted: 2003
Imagine a group of college kids on the vacation of their dreams - complete with fabulous hotel, live entertainment, lots of temptation and no one to tell them what to do. Our cameras follow these elite teens as they stay out all night and party like no one is watching. Or so they think...Because what these kids don't know is that while they are having the time of their lives, their parents and loved ones are secretly observing the whole thing - the crazy antics, the outrageous behavior and hardcore partying! One Bad Trip gives family, friends, boyfriends and girlfriends the chance to spy on their kids, friends or partners - and catch them red-handed in compromising situations. Using elaborate costumes, make-up and some clever devices, our voyeurs will join in the partying, getting as up close to their loved ones as they can without blowing their cover. When the lights go down, it's all eyes on the teens. What would you do if you saw your son receiving a lap dance from a stripper? Or your girlfriend licking whipped cream off the bare chest of another man? Watch what happens as these teens are caught red-handed. Will it make or break their relationship? For anyone who's ever wondered what their kids or partners get up to when they are not there.... it's One Bad Trip.